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We use playfulness

to engage in the

Serious Business of

climate work.

Why play

playground (not battleground) thinking


Climate change and playfulness? You can't be serious.


Look, working on climate change is Serious Business. Unfortunately, our approach to Serious Business has been dominated by a battleground mentalityThis approach leaves many of us feeling depleted, steeped in doom and gloom, and reluctant to keep going or, worse, engage at all.


Alternatively, Playful Climate Action approaches the Serious Business of climate work with a playground mentalityPlaygrounds tap into our innate sense of joy, wonder, and delight, sparking our creativity, connecting us to others, and leaving us feeling renewed.*


Playful Climate Action is grounded in positive psychology and play-based learning theory. It seeks to empower people to envision and create the thriving, regenerative world we all want.


*Spoiler alert: A playground mentality is not about glitter storms, rainbow-farting unicorns, and other forms of toxic positivity, so if you're looking for unrepentant optimism about climate change, look elsewhere.

We believe in the power of
joy and delight
in bringing about the
regenerative, thriving world
we all want.

What we do

we take climate change seriously.
we take ourselves less seriously. 

We use playfulness and playful learning to empower climate-focused leaders, green teams, educators, and organizations of all types already dabbling (or wanting to dabble) in the climate space to:


  • ​reignite their motivation and energy for climate work. ​​

  • cultivate personal resilience and avoid burnout.

  • counteract pervasive doom & gloom.​

  • get unstuck or get started, no matter where they are on their climate work journey.​

  • engage internal or external stakeholders with climate work.​

  • build a supportive community of climate thinkers and doers.


Our workplayshops are highly interactive and, well, playful. Depending on your goals, we might incorporate tools like:

  • LEGO® Serious Play® 

  • Awe walks

  • C-Roads climate change policy simulation

  • Climate change-themed games

  • Interactive, app-based Goose Chase scavenger hunts​

Sound interesting?

Let's play!

...if we want to make it safely and sanely through all the changes coming our way, we're going to need to come out and play. 

-Bernie DeKoven

  game designer, fun theorist


meet the person behind
Playful Climate Action

Hello! I'm Casey Meehan, a U.S. based sustainability professional, educator and  SERIOUSWORK certified facilitator of LEGO Serious Play.


I believe that joy and delight are our collective superpowers in responding to the world's biggest challenges. I've spent over a decade helping organizations engage with stakeholders around climate change using my background in psychology and my PhD focused on climate change education.


Playtime for me includes trail running, exploring the outdoors with my partner and two boys, and juggling. Not all at the same time. Yet.


I'd love to connect. I've found talking about climate change to be the perfect ice breaker. (See what I did there?) 😂



Casey R. Meehan

Casey Meehan, PhD


Follow Casey on LinkedIn 





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Meet Casey

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The opposite of play is not work. it's depression.

-Brian Sutton-Smith, PhD

 play theorist


Looking for playful REsources?  Click me!

From the blog

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